We could not have hoped for a better day today to go mini beast hunting at the Parkridge ​C​entre. The sun was shining which brought out all the different flying creatures but the ground was still damp enough in the shade for our intrepid hunters to find a wide variety of mini beasts. We took part in a number of activities including a mini beast hunt where we found a rare flat backed millipede, a number of beetles, butterflies, bees, worms, slugs and snails as well as other non mini beast creatures like frogs, toads and even a newt. We also played a number of games including using mirrors to look into the tree canopies, bark rubbing and hide and seek the mini beast. The children were really well behaved and the ​C​entre'​s coordinators said that the children were very knowledgeable and inquisitive and would make great 'Mini B​east Detectives'.